Established tee shirt brand around Amazon’s Merch-By-Amazon program. Illustrated 30+ tee shirt styles for the “You’ve Changed” series. Operate Instagram and Facebook stores to sell merchandise. Developed strategies to move brand offline and into additional marketplaces.
Clean, simple, informative designs.
Vibrant, graphic style. Bold in color, contrast, and texture.
Brand identities for corporate and non-profit organizations in various industries.
Wrote 35-page business plan to establish the direction, style, and operations model. Designed and built every aspect of the interior space, along with all printed/digital/social media material. Implemented advertising, P.O.P. directions, and drove the design and marketing strategies over 14 years.
Highlights include: Developing a successful long-term business in an industry with a high rate of failure. Securing over 75k in grant and bank funds to grow the business over the years. Conceiving a variety of new food concepts that are synonymous with the business.
Wrote and illustrated graphic book. Queried publishers throughout the country for potential book deal.
Klees – Designed book cover based on provided illustration.
Planned Parenthood – Redesigned and established quarterly newsletter layout and style. Maintained 4-12 page, full or 2-color publication seasonally from 2008 – 2012.
YMCA Session Handbooks – Selected images, colors, and updated all pertinent information. Maintained 20-48 page, 2-color publication for each of the 6 local branches seasonally.
Open Face – From menu layouts to internal business files; developed and managed all documents over 14 years.
Artistic arrangements of words and phrases based in the graphic Concrete Poetry style. Prints made for local gallery shows.
Night Club: East End District, Rochester, New York – business branding, interior design and planning including space, finish, mechanical, and furniture design.
Identity for Photography Studio. Focus on tactile experience. Pieces include business card and identity package.
Program based out of Planned Parenthood of Syracuse, New York. Established design style and expanded direction throughout the entire campaign. Selected all photography and developed filter for imagery.
Identity for Photography Studio. Focus on tactile experience. Pieces include business card and CD jacket.
All package design styles were established and provided by another Art Director.
Responsibilities included: creating and laying out additional skus, expanding product lines, updating die lines, managing multi-lingual copy, creating renderings, building mock-ups, and collecting for print.
Photoshop manipulation to correct and enhance photography.
This Is Your Rochester. Instagram photography project documenting the subtle, gritty, and sometimes profound in Rochester, New York.
Wellness Consultant: Village Gate, Rochester, New York – business branding, interior design and planning including space, finish, and mechanical.
Brand identities for corporate and non-profit organizations in various industries.
The following showcase an extremely condensed snapshot of each projects research, outline, and sketches.
Gunlocke Saddle Chair – Office secondary seating. Took project from sketch to model.
Xerox Aid – Humanitarian Technological study.
ASF – Office Equipment study. Took project from sketch to model.
Spot – Health and Fitness product study. Took project from sketch to proposal.
Ironwork – Layouts for exterior signage.
Restaurant: Bushnell Basin, Perinton, New York – business branding, interior design and planning including space, finish, and mechanical.
Contracted to design official ballot material for yearly countdown. Art directed and shot photography.